Synagoga and Ecclesia in Our Time, Artwork by sculptor Joshua Koffman. Exhibited in Philadelphia in July 2015.

Yehudah Aryeh (Leone) me-MODENA (1571-1648): Magen va-herev


. The text was edited by Shlomo Simonsohn, Magen va-herev: Hibur neged ha-Natsrut meet Yehuda Ariyeh mi-Modena (Tel Aviv, 1960) A small portion of the treatise was published by A. Geiger, Leon da Modena Rabbiner zu Venedig und seine Stellung zur Kabbala zum Thalmud und zum Christenthume (Breslau, 1856), 10b-14b


The text of the disputation is extant in eight manuscripts:

  1. Budapest, Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies (BUD SEM 38, nineteenth-century Italian type handwriting), 1r-17r
  2. Jerusalem, Mosad ha-Rav Kook (JER KOOK 887, nineteenth-century Italian type handwriting), 1r-46v
  3. Jerusalem, National Library (JER NLI 786=38, nineteenth-twentieth-century Ashkenazi cursive type handwriting), 1r-87r = copy of PARMA 2257 ms.
  4. London, British Library (LON BL 1084 = LON BL Add. 27149, nineteenth-century Italian type handwriting), 1r-14v

    The item is digitized.

  5. Milano, Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan Q 139 Sup., seventeenth-century Italian type handwriting), 1r-45r
  6. Oxford, Bodleian Library (OX 2786, nineteenth-century Italian type handwriting), 1r-94v
  7. Parma, Biblioteca Palatina (PARMA 2257, seventeenth-century Italian /-Sephardic/ type handwriting), 1r-51v

    The item is digitized.

  8. Warszaw, Zydowski Instytut Historyczny (SARAVAL 45 = Warsaw 35, nineteenth-century Italian type handwriting), 1r-47r

Secondary Literature


© Karoly Daniel Dobos: Jewish-Christian Polemics in Early Modern Italy

Research that enabled the preparation of this bibliography was sponsored by the Anniversary Fund of the National Bank of Austria (Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank, project number: 16099: "Jüdisch-christiliche Polemik: Akkulturation und Modernisierung")


The webpage was created by Karoly Daniel Dobos